The two-mile long Kanza Heritage Trail loops through the beautiful and historic 168-acre Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park owned and managed by the Kaw Nation, a self-governing tribe of more than 3,300 members. Currently based in north central Oklahoma, the Kaw Nation is actively working to regain its cultural heritage, which was nearly lost when the Tribe was forcibly removed from Kansas in 1873. By walking this Trail, you will engage a wonderful landscape steeped in natural beauty and the rich cultural history of the Kanza people who once lived here. Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is one of the 25 Historic Sites of Council Grove & Morris County.
Stone ruins remain from three of the 138 huts the United States government built as dwellings for the Kanza in 1862. The Kanza chose not to live in these structures, using them as stables for their horses instead. After the Kanza were forced to move to Oklahoma in 1872, settlers lived in these structures until they had built homes. Then the huts served as outbuildings for their farms.